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Department of Welfare Science

  • About Department
  • Curriculum


Social welfare is an integrated science. So, attain a well-balanced understanding, by combining knowledge and experience.

The study of welfare science at university level covers a wide arena - ranging from the fundamental scientifically-based principles on how to improve social welfare, to the practical methods and techniques employed in providing assistance.

The Department of Welfare Science seeks to develop research across this wide spectrum, which includes the theoretical and practical aspects of such issues as that of newly-arrived residents from overseas, or the notable number of recluses observed in contemporary society, as well as in examining the more established concerns of welfare - those regarding children, the elderly, women, the physically-challenged, and the under-privileged.

By focusing on these features, the department aims to cultivate a diverse range of individuals to achieve varying objectives. Some will gain a deep understanding of social welfare, others will develop their expertise in a specific field, and others will be employed in more practical field, like policy-making or business-planning in the social welfare sector.

Degree Bachelor of Social Welfare

Message from a Current Student

Department of Welfare Science

Akiko Kawasaki

In the Department of Welfare Science, where various seminars are offered, you can choose the seminars that match your interests. The seminar to which I belong focuses on the study of community welfare, consisting of an annual camp seminar held in Yamagata Prefecture. At a previous camp seminar we held student-organized local lecture meetings in order to raise awareness on dementia and depression among the elderly and local people. We also conducted volunteer snow-removal activities for elderly people who live alone. The camp was a very good opportunity to apply the knowledge and techniques we had learned every day in classes and seminars, as well as to deepen our friendships with classmates in the same seminar.


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