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Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

  • About Department
  • Curriculum

Acquire the high level problem-solving skills and specialized knowledge in information science and technology required for the global information society.

In recent years, there have been worldwide problems stemming from the Deindustrialization or maturation of existing industries, and losses in regional environmental prosperity.

Therefore, there is now a need to make an active commitment to creating new or improving regional industries - thereby ensuring truly affluent lives for local residents. Furthermore, a shift towards a more knowledge-based industrial structure is required, through the application of advanced technology, centred on information technology.

Therefore, the Graduate School has introduced both Master’s and Doctoral courses into the Department of Information Science and Technology, to provide advanced information system engineers who are proficient in cutting-edge information technology.

Master’s Course
The Master’s course is located in the Departments of Information Systems, Media Informatics, and the Department of Systems Science.

The curriculum is composed of a specialized subject, a related subject, a practice subject, and specialized research. This enables students to develop their knowledge and understanding of cutting-edge information technology through the accomplishment of these subjects - focusing on their specialized area.
In addition, the practice subject offers students the opportunity to acquire the practical methods of problem solving, and the specialized research enables them to cultivate their skills in gathering research data.

Doctoral Course
The Doctoral course in the Department of Information Science and Technology, examines information systems in the areas of infrastructure and networks, along with the human information system, and the environmental information system.

The curriculum comprises of a specialized subject, a related subject, a general subject, and specialized research. The related subject is explored so that it can help graduates to achieve publication and establish the intellectual ownership of their findings. The research assignments are closely related to the specialized subject.

In addition, the general subject includes a collaborative research project. In this project, students have the opportunity to experience practical research in the real world.
Throughout the specialized research period, instructors provide guidance ranging from the research topic background to the doctoral dissertation.


Master’s Course:
Master of Science in Information Science and Technology

Doctoral Course:
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science and Technology

Message from a Current Student

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Going to graduate school was a good turning point in my life. I was not good at studying, so the reason I decided to go on to higher education was because of the "generous guidance" of the Graduate School of Information Science. This graduate school does not have a large number of students. Therefore, students can receive a lot of guidance and advice suitable for each person, including not only information science knowledge, but also problem-solving thinking, writing skills, and even job hunting. The facilities and environment are also well prepared, so students can study the field you are interested in. At first I was worried and worried, but now I truly feel that I am glad that I went on to graduate school.

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

I entered this university because I am interested in information technology that supports manufacturing. I am particularly attracted to the university's well-equipped facilities and small-group education.
This faculty has a system that supports proactive and interactive learning: there are many professors who support students' learning, and students can ask questions or receive advice on the spot. In addition, our university provides opportunities to interact with native-speaking professors and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. I take advantage of this to acquire practical English skills that I cannot learn in the classroom, and use them to present my research overseas. I feel that by proactively taking advantage of this environment, I am able to expand my opportunities for success.


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